Total Legal Accounting 3




Total Legal Accounting (T.L.A.) is licensed, not sold, without any expressed or implied warranties of any kind on an as is basis. The user is advised to test the program thoroughly before relying on it and must assume the entire risk of using it. Any liability of the seller or manufacturer will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of the purchase price. Not withstanding the above, a great deal of time and effort has been taken by Horizon Information Systems and Horizon Information Systems to ensure a high quality of workmanship and the maximum useability in T.L.A. Moreover, the product is constantly being improved and added to. We welcome suggestions that might further improve our product. Correspondence may be addressed directly to Horizon Information Systems, preferably in writing.


T.L.A. is supplied with the following programs and files owned by Micro Focus and Microsoft:- ADIS.EXE, ADISCTRL, COBLIB.DLE, EXTFH.EXE, REBUILD.EXE.


The following public domain programs are included free of charge to overcome certain shortcomings in MS-DOS: - ASK.COM, SPACE.EXE.


Apart from the afore mentioned programs, and files, T.L.A. is entirely owned by Horizon Information Systems and distribution is only available from Horizon Information Systems and its dealers.

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