Total Legal Accounting 3




USAGE: To allow users to construct a list of telephone numbers, independently of Clients and Creditors. This list is available to all users. The advantage of using this feature is that couriers, phone companies, emergency numbers, etc can be entered, corrected and available to everyone without having to print separate lists for each desk. Also, anyone dialling in remotely also has the same information.


DISCUSSION: To enter PHONE DIRECTORY, you can either press <F9> anywhere in the MAIN MENU, <Shift><F9> almost anywhere else.


When you start the PHONE DIRECTORY program, the computer will initially display the following screen:



Note that the PHONE DIRECTORY system opens its own window within the screen and that the calling program is still visible around the edges of the PHONE DIRECTORY window. To return to the place where you came from, press <ESC>.


Initially, you will be asked to a name. Enter a portion of the name you wish to find and press <Enter>. The screen will display the numbers available, starting from the key you entered. The screen will appear as:



Here you have several fields you can enter. You can create a new entry by pressing <F4> (see below). You can print a complete list of names and numbers by pressing <F7>. You can move around the list by using the cursor keys. You can start at a new point by pressing <F9>. Note that the full name and main phone are displayed. The main phone is defined as the work phone. If this is not present, the mobile phone number is displayed. Next the home and fax numbers are displayed. A letter in brackets flags which phone number is being displayed. To show all the number, press <Enter> or <F10>. The screen will then show as follows:



Here you can view all the information pertaining to this number. Also you can add or modify notes by pressing <F4>. You can change any other field by pressing <F5>. You can delete the entire entry by pressing <F6>. <F7> allows you to print the full details of this entry in a list format. To exit from this screen, press <F10> or <Esc>.


New Entries: From the main screen, you can enter new numbers by pressing <F4> (see above) the screen looks like this:



Here you must enter several fields:


Name                  Comments


FULL NAME  This is a compulsory field that contains the full name of the entry.


SEARCH NAME This field is the name that is used for searching. If you leave it blank, it will be automatically populated with the first few characters of the FULL NAME. It is useful to put into this field something that reminds you of the entry, rather than its full name. Eg. The FULL NAME might be Mr Harry Blogs. The SEARCH NAME might be Blogs. In this case the entry will sort under B rather than M.


ADDRESS           These fields are not compulsory but you can enter the mailing address here.


CONTACT NAME      This field is not compulsory but you can enter the contact name here.


PHONE NUMBERS & EMAIL ADDRESS            These fields are not compulsory but you can enter the information, as required.


At any point, you can exit by pressing <ESC>. To end, and save the entry, press <F10> or just <Enter> down to the end of the last field. When you save the entry, it becomes live and is available to all users, immediately.

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