Total Legal Accounting 3




USAGE: To produce a list of all or a range of Matter Types. The report is always printed in Matter Type code order.


DISCUSSION: If you have chosen to allow short and long form reports, you will be asked USE LONG FORMAT REPORT? Choose the form you wish by entering Y or N.


Next you will be asked, INCLUDE ALL MATTER TYPES? If you enter Y all Matter Types on file will be printed and no further questions will be asked. (Go to the START REPORT question.) If you press <ESC> you will return to the MATTER TYPES MENU.


If you enter N to the above question, the following series of questions will appear:


FROM MATTER TYPE   This is the lower limit of the Matter Type code. Here you enter the code of the first Matter Type you wish printed. The default answer is blank. This will start printing from the start of the Matter Type file.


TO MATTER TYPE This is the upper limit of the Matter Type. Here you enter the code of the last Matter Type you wish printed. The default answer is zzz. This will end printing at the end of the Matter Type file. This entry must not be less than the starting Matter Type code. If you choose the default for both questions all Matter Type will be included.


At each point when answering the above questions, you can press <ESC> and the program will reset and return you to the MATTER TYPE MENU.


When you have entered all the above information, press <F10> and you will be asked, START REPORT? If you answer N, the program will reset and return you to the beginning. If you enter Y, the screen will clear and the Matter Type master-file will be read in. During this time the computer will be selecting Matter Types according to the selection criteria you have just entered and will generate the report.


When the report has completed, T.L.A. will return you to the MATTER TYPES MENU.


The selection criteria are printed in the heading lines of the report. The report itself will detail the Matter Type code, Description, Service Fee rate, Last File-Bill value and date, Last General Payment value & date.


At the end of the report, the total of Matter Type records printed in this run will be printed.

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