Legal Accounting 3
USAGE: To export a file detailing,
all or a subset, of the information on the Securities & Investments
transaction-file. This file is specifically designed to be used for the Annual
Investment Income Reports, as specified by the ATO for Magnetic Media
transmission. The file is exported in CSV format but can then be read into
Excel and resaved for direct transmission to the ATO.
DISCUSSION: When you choose this option, the following
questions will appear:
SEC & INV. RANGE This is the Register’s code.
DATE RANGE This is the transaction date. This is normally a year range.
NON-RES DATE RANGE This is the transaction date range specifically for non-resident
withholding tax. This is normally a year range but it may be a different range
to the one above. The reason for the separate range is that, generally, you
will not tell the bank what to withhold until after the period is complete and
then they will take the monies out. The transaction (if you choose to match the
bank statement) will thus be out of the first range but it refers to tax with
in the first range (above). The separate range offered here allows for this.
So, for example, you might enter a range of 1/7/2005 to 30/6/2006 for the DATE
RANGE and 8/8/2005 to 9/7/2006 for the NON-RES DATE RANGE. If this does not apply, enter the same date
range for both DATE RANGE’S.
FILE NAME Here you enter the name of the file you wish to export. This
must be a valid name system name, eg C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ANNUAL.CSV. Once you have chosen a
name, T.L.A. will remember that name and default to it next time you run the
report. Be very careful if you enter a name suffixed by DAT, KEY, BAT, EXE or COM as it is possible to overwrite normal files used by T.L.A. In a DOS
environment, it is also possible to choose a name such as PRN or COM1 so that the export will be
sent directly to a printer or a communications port. T.L.A. will automatically
truncate the name from the first space encountered, so do not leave embedded
spaces or leading spaces in the name. T.L.A. will warn you if the file you are
about to create already exists.
When you have entered all the above information,
press <F10> and you will be asked START FILE CREATION? If you answer N, the
program will reset and return you to the SECURITIES
ASCII EXPORT MENU. If you enter Y, the screen will clear and
the Securities master-file will be read in. During this time the computer will
be selecting account records according to the selection criteria you have just
entered will start writing the selected fields to the export file.
Like other reports, it is possible to stop the
export of the ASCII file by pressing <ESC>. However, the ASCII file
will have been created up to the point where you stopped it.
When the report has completed, T.L.A. will return