Legal Accounting 3
USAGE: To print breakdown of monies transferred during
Mortgage Transfers, with details of where the monies were distributed. The
report uses the transaction details in the Trust transactions for the
Mortgagee’s file.
DISCUSSION: When this program starts, you are asked for a Mortgagee
code. There is often just one Mortgagee used in a practice and all Trust
Transfers go through this file. If you cannot remember the code, press <F9> to initiate a search.
Having entered the Mortgagee’s code, a short
description of the file, and its balances, is displayed and you will be asked
the following questions:
USE LONG FORMAT REPORT If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be
displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.
PRINT SUB-TOTALS ONLY If you answer Y here, the details of the
transactions will not be printed. Instead, one line will be printed for each
Contributor detailing the Contributor’s code, Name and the number of
transactions and the total value of the transactions, within the date range
chosen below. If you choose N here, each transaction will be detailed in full,
showing the Contributor’s code and Name, the Mortgagor’s code and Name, the
transaction reference number, the transaction date and value. If you have
chosen to print the LONG FORMAT REPORT, the Solicitor’s code and
the transaction audit number are also printed.
TRANSACTION DATE RANGE This allows you to enter a range of dates to include. Often this
is used to limit the report to a reporting period, eg three months or a year.
CONTRIBUTOR This question will only appear if you
have chosen to print the transactions, in full. If you answer Y here, T.L.A. will start a new page after printing the information for
a Contributor. Otherwise, the report will continue without page breaks.
To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.
At the end of the report, all monetary fields are