Total Legal Accounting 3




USAGE: To print a list of Clients with their Client balances. This report equates to an Aged Trial Balance report in a standard Debtors system.


DISCUSSION: When you choose this option, the screen will appear as follows:



Here you can choose the order in which you wish to print the report.


Hint: If you intend to limit the report to a range of files, it is most efficient to print the report in the same order. Eg if you wish to limit the report to a range of file codes, the report will scan the master-file faster if you also print the report in file order.


Having chosen from the options, the following questions will appear:


USE LONG FORMAT REPORT     If you are using wide stationery, reply Y, otherwise reply N. This question will only be displayed if the relevant option is set to A, see SECTION 7.1.2.


START A NEW PAGE ON CHANGE OF KEY If you have chosen to print the report in Matter-type, Solicitor, Partner, Other-key or Billing-Group order, you will be offered this option. If you reply Y, T.L.A. will start a new page each time the major key changes. A sub-total will also be printed for each group of transactions. If you reply N, the transactions will be printed continuously.


UP TO YEAR [ ] (L)ast, (T)his or (N)next year. PERIOD [..]    This report is generated up to a period. By default, this is the current period but you can change the period if you wish. Backdating does not undo the report to the status as it was at the end of that period. Eg if you are currently half way through March and you have entered a number of receipts that affect February, running the report for February will not give you the balance at the end of February, rather it will give you the remaining balance up to February. You may legitimately backdate a report if, for instance, you are running the report at the beginning of March but have not yet started posting receipts and you wish to see the report expanded up to February.


                            Enter a year, eg L for last year, T for this year or N for next year. Then enter the period number, 1 - 12, within that year. Note that next year can only have periods 1 - 3.


INCLUDE ALL FILES      If you answer Y here, all Client files will be printed and no further “limits” questions will be asked. Go directly to the OK TO PRINT question. If you answer N, the following question asks you to enter both a lower and upper limit. The upper limit must not be less than the lower limit. The default answers define the extreme limits of the field. You do not have to change all of these limits. Only change the ones you wish to, and tab past the others.


INCLUDE UNCOMPLETED FILES          If you answer N here, any open Client files will not be included in the report.


INCLUDE COMPLETED FILES   If you answer N here, any closed Client files will not be included in the report.


FILE RANGE   This is the Client’s code.


SHORT NAME RANGE        This is the upper and lower limits of the first 10 characters of the Client’s name. It corresponds to the search pattern in CLIENT ENQUIRIES (see SECTION 1.1).


MATTER-TYPE RANGE      This is the upper and lower limits of the Matter-Type.


SOLICITOR RANGE           This is the upper and lower limits of the Solicitor code as it appears on the Client’s file.


PARTNER RANGE    This is the upper and lower limits of the Partner code as it appears on the Client’s file.


BILLING GROUP RANGE This is the upper and lower limits of the Billing-group code as it appears on the Client’s file. Note that the Billing-group may by blank. To print files that have a Billing-group only, enter the lower limit of a and the upper limit of zzz.


ASSOCIATE RANGE           This is the upper and lower limits of the Associate code as it appears on the Client’s file. Note that the Associate may by blank. To print files that have an Associate only, enter the lower limit of a and the upper limit of zzz.


INTRODUCER RANGE        This is the upper and lower limits of the Introducer code as it appears on the Client’s file.


OTHER KEY RANGE           This may appear as a different literal depending on how you have defined the field in SYSTEM PARAMETERS.


TRUST BALANCE RANGE This is the current Trust balance.


CLIENT BALANCE RANGE          This is the current total Client balance.


DISB. BALANCE RANGE This is the current Disbursement balance.


S&I BALANCE RANGE      This is the current Investment balance.


DATE CREATED RANGE   This is the date the file was created.


DATE LAST MOVEMENT RANGE            This is the last Trust movement date.


In all cases, the default answers are the extreme limits of each range, so if you do not wish to limit the report on a particular field, just bypass it.


To start the report, press <Enter> through each field or simply press <F10>.


The report will scan the Client master-file and extract all records that fit within your chosen parameters. Files with a zero balance will not be printed. The report itself will detail the File code, Name, Matter code, Solicitor code, Partner code and a breakdown of the balances for 3 periods plus the current period. The long-format report will also detail the Matter-Re, Billing Group and Other-key. At the end of the report, the monetary columns are totalled.

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