Total Legal Accounting 3




First make sure you read and follow the instructions in SECTION 0.


T.L.A. has been designed to be as internally consistent as possible. This means that if you learn one part of T.L.A. it is fair to say that you will have little trouble with the rest of the system.


Consistency also means that the files and menus have been written around the same numbering system. Thus, all sections from SECTION 1 onwards refer exactly to their appropriate position on the MAIN MENU.


If, for instance, you wish to know about TRUST RECEIPTS, you would proceed as follows:


To get to the TRUST RECEIPTS program it would have been necessary to press 1 from the MAIN MENU followed by a 3 and then a 1 and then another 1. The section of this manual dealing with TRUST RECEIPTS is, in fact, SECTION Thus, it should be an easy task to find any section dealing with the part of T.L.A. you are currently working in. In this way, not only is T.L.A. menu driven, but the T.L.A. manual is also menu driven.


Sections 1 onwards of this manual are designed expressly as reference material rather than a teaching tool. It is, however, possible to learn how to use T.L.A. by reading this manual cover to cover. This may be somewhat less than exciting as the manual is quite repetitive in parts, especially in the sections dealing with reports. However, to gain a good overview of the whole of T.L.A. we recommend that each new user read the portion of each section labelled Usage. Some sections are themselves overviews and contain table and reference data. These should be studied in their entirety. For instance, SECTION 1 gives a complete definition of every field displayed on the Client master-file record and SECTION 1.4.2 gives a complete list of all Client/Trust transaction types and their abbreviation, as used in reporting.


T.L.A. is probably the easiest accounting package you are likely to use. Most of the important functions are on screen so you will probably not need to go to the manual often. If you do need to use the manual, it is nice to know that you can go to the particular chapter and read all about it without wading through a lot of teaching instructions that are not relevant once you have a basic knowledge of the system.


We strongly advise all new users to read SECTION 0 dealing with setting up the system. If you don't, you may miss out on functions and options that you may need.

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